Unconscious Love

Happy Valentines Day!

Today’s post is motivated by James, a photographer who has a studio in my office building and by Ed, a sports medicine associate I met at Starbucks.  James ran into me in the building a few days ago and when I introduced myself and my occupation, blew me away by suggesting I hold a workshop for women in relationships with “dead beat men”.  As James put it, that man sitting on the couch playing video games while a beautiful sexy woman works to support his lazy ways, is using “mind control”.  How else would he get away with it?  James suggested I used the hypnotherapy to empower women who claim “love” makes them stay in lousy one way relationships while good men, kind men, hard working men are sitting home alone.

That got me thinking.  See not too many years ago, I set out to write a book on human sexuality and relationships.  After two long years working hard to save a marriage that finally ended (I was the only one working. Sing along if you know this tune!) I had read every relationship book in the library, seen every relationship video, tried all the “save your sex life” games and then finally, when the divorce papers dried, dated like it was boot camp in an effort to figure out what had gone wrong so I never had to repeat that mistake again.  To say I was interested in what makes  relationships work was a vast understatement.

So when I was working full time as a hypnotherapist and had the opportunity to ask new people daily, “In a relationship, what do you need to really enjoy yourself?” I began to hatch a new idea.  I was seeing patterns in the way that men and women answered the question and I thought that if I interviewed enough people I might find the answers I was looking for and also provide answers for all the many people like me.  So I began the book.  My goal was to interview at least 100 people, crossing as many lines of race, culture, socioeconomic, sexual orientation, etc as I could.  I would ask open ended questions and I would look for patterns.  I had some experience doing meta studies in science so this came naturally for me.

I got to about 60 people when Hurricane Katrina hit taking all my interview tapes and manuscripts just as it took the Gulf coast.  But the learning from all those lovely people was still lodged in my brain.  All this is to say, I probably am well qualified to empower the women James was talking about.  I probably have something helpful to share.  But I couldn’t think what was most important.  What is it that would lead a beautiful woman (or man) to put up with a partner who took but never gave back? And most importantly, what would trigger the change to wake up and smell the coffee?

As fate would have it I found out a few days later in a coffee shop.  Ed, a tall, well-groomed, young and gorgeous man blew me away again. This time it wasn’t a question he asked, it was an amazing act of courage.  Ed spilled his coffee all over himself and then when I was helping him to a refill he looked me straight in the eye and said very softly, “You are stunningly beautiful.” His words were so soft and so surprising that I asked him to repeat himself.  He did – three times! I was so stunned by his courage to persist where most men would have given up in awkward silence, by his courage to take a chance on love even while making a fool of himself with coffee, and by the fact that he was clearly 10-20 years younger than me and clearly didn’t care, that I told him he was beautiful himself.  He asked me out on the spot and I took his card.

It was only later when my brain came back on that I found myself confused and uncomfortable.  I realized I had a man.  My man is my best friend, David who I had been keeping at arms length for some time now, afraid to take it to a deeper level.  When my conscious mind kicked in I realized I was ready for that deeper level with David.  I also realized I was feeling obliged to go out with Ed.  I realized that my unconscious “autopilot” in romance obliges me to honor other people’s feelings without regard for my own.  That is what I was afraid of with David, that autopilot that takes over and drives all relationships into the ground.

In my new wide awake state I talked to David about my fears and my desires.  together we came up with the idea to sit down with a white board, flip charts, and post-its and create a strategic plan for the future of our relationship.  We would not go in blind.  We would not run on autopilot.  We would talk about our goals, our values, our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.  We would create a strategy for moving toward our goals, for evaluating our progress, and for periodically  revising our plan.  Most importantly, we would designate responsibilities and design an action plan. Romantic? For a 49 year old woman terrified of being swept up into one more man’s unconscious  fantasy of the “perfect woman”?  YES! Oh, yes, yes, yes!  Nerdy? Well, ok, let those chips fall where they may. I don’t care.

So where have my discoveries about love and the unconscious, the autopilot, led me? What do I have to say to those poor women who could be happy if only they’d wake up and go for the Good Man? Well, it all came out when I was taking my daughters to school and happily (nerdily) telling them about my plans to make a business plan for our relationship.  My daughter, raised by this avant guarde wild woman nerd of a mother, innocently asked if that was what normal people did when starting a relationship.  I answered from the truth of all my experience and all those interviews. “No, Honey, most people fall in love and let the emotions carry them along.  Most people get married and put in the unconscious video of their parent’s marriage (however miserable or unsatisfactory) and run on autopilot doing whatever they saw done.  Most people don’t think in love, they just react.”

Its true. Most people  love in an unconscious state, assuming that they are pre-programed to know what to do right.  But most people are per-programed for failure.  So if I have anything to say to those women its, “Wake up.” If your man won’t lay the cards on the table and discuss where you are going and how you can both contribute to getting there?  That’s not romantic, that’s mind control.  Ask him to talk to your conscious mind.

And what about those Good Men out there, sitting alone, putting up with rejection?  My advice to you if you want to wake her up – pull an Ed.  That’s right: be polite, be kind, be real.  But be madly courageous, ridiculously persistent, and completely unafraid of making a fool of yourself.  love makes a fool of us all.  Real love, good love, though is well worth it.

Will a strategic plan work for a relationship?  Will love survive such directness? Can nerdiness really make its way in the world of romance?  I’ll keep you posted! 🙂


Smoke Free Hypnotherapy

smoke demon

I have worked for many years on my NonSmoking package and I’m always on the look out for ways to make it better. At first glance smoking seems like a simple thing to fix.  Its just a bad habit, right?  Well, no. its a lot more than that, which is why I keep working on it.  It is many things to many people, many of them unconscious and most of them complex.

The first time I used hypnotherapy to help someone quit a bad habit was in 1995. A young woman came to me for help to stop her nail biting habit. She routinely gnawed her nails half way down the nail beds and they were an embarrassing and painful mess.  I had only completed one hypnotherapy certification at the time and I didn’t know where to begin. I took her into a hypnotic trance and gave her the suggestion that she return to the first time she remembered biting her nails and describe the experience.  I was looking for clues that I could use to help her release the pattern.

It turned out to her surprise and mine that she began the habit when she met her best friend in elementary school. It was the first day of school and both girls were nervous. They looked up to see a mirror image of themselves: another frightened little first grader nervously nibbling a fingernail. They bonded instantly and became warm and lasting friends. My client had forgotten all about the experience.  Clearly her unconscious mind had not.

As far as my search for ways to help her end the habit, I couldn’t find any.  I brought her out of the trance with a few positive suggestions and she happily went on her way. I worried that I had not done anything to help her.  But some weeks later when we ran into one another I asked if the hypnosis had helped.  She smiled and held out two hands full of long and beautifully manicured nails.

Apparently she had unconsciously made the connection between the friendship and the habit they had in common. In terms of the unconscious mind, the habit of nail biting was a very good thing because it brought friendship and comfort in an uncertain time. The regression to the bonding event was all it really took to break the hold because under hypnosis the conscious and unconscious minds can collaborate. Understanding that the habit was no longer producing positive effects, the unconscious could finally let it go.

Smoking often begins in similar ways.  Though most people are loathe to admit it, there are very good, positive reasons your mind keeps urging you to smoke. Sometimes it may be as simple as a friendship connection. Whatever the reason, a sort of “Back to Before” regression hypnosis session is usually enough to release the pattern.

Another aspect of the smoking addiction is what I call “The HIT”.  Smoking provides a short sharp shock to distract the mind from emotional pain.  Its like the way you may have pinched yourself as a kid when someone had to spray a stinging antiseptic on a skinned knee. The pinch made the pain of the antiseptic tolerable by distracting your attention.

In a similar way many smokers may turn to a cigarette after an emotional blow, or a stressful event.  Folks who have been smoke free for years may suddenly crave a cigarette when hit with the untimely death of a loved one, an auto accident, loss of a job, or other big emotional hits.

To deal with “The HIT” I had to break some hypnosis rules. One basic rule when working with the unconscious is that it only responds to the positive. Things have to be phrased in a positive way in order to work. It’s also important not to implant suggestions that could have unexpectedly negative repercussions. But “The HIT” is a negative ‘benefit’ of smoking and it requires negative conditioning to remove the pattern.

One other aspect of smoking is the actual physical addition. Now physical addiction is much less motivational than the many psychological aspects of the pattern.  But it is still real. To combat the physical addiction I include a gentle detox supplement in my Smoke Free package.  By combining the removal of the addictive toxins with the removal of the unconscious triggers we are able to create new patterns of health, clean fresh air breathing, and enjoying life.

There are other aspects to becoming smoke free and I have developed questions for getting at the root of all the causes and triggers connected to the habit for each individual.  But I have found these three aspects to be so common that I include in each Smoke Free package one “Back to Before” session, one session of NLP and negative conditioning, and the physical detox.  From there, we work together to address each personal trigger so you stay clean and smoke free forever.

Will hypnosis work on you?

different kinds of people

One of the myths I hear most commonly is that only certain “types” of people can be hypnotized. The way I usually hear it is like this,
“You do hypnosis? But that only works on some people, right?”  The thing that bothers me most about this widespread myth is that people who want to try hypnosis do not because they might not be one of those people.  The thing that bothers me almost as much is that people who want the effects of hypnosis do not try it because they might be one of “those” people.

The answer is  “NO”.  Hypnosis does not take a certain “type” of person

Hypnosis can work on anyone.

The hypnotic trance is a normal natural state.  It is a state so normal, so natural that most everyone has experienced a hypnotic trance at some time in their lives.  Here are a few examples of being in a hypnotic trance that you will probably recognize.

1. You fall asleep on the sofa watching TV. You find yourself in that state where you can hear the TV, you can even hear people talking  in the room around you. But you cannot quite respond to what you hear.  Maybe someone is calling your name. Maybe someone is talking to you or about you. You can hear every word they say.  But maybe you can’t quite open your eyes. Maybe you even feel paralyzed.  Or maybe you feel as if you could “break out” of that state and respond but you just don’t feel like it.  This is the state of hypnosis.  This is a hypnotic trance.

2. You’re riding in a car on the highway.  (Let’s pretend you’re not driving) A grey rain is falling steadily outside. The windshield wipers beat out a  rhythm. You feel drowsy.  You lose track of time.  Suddenly you find yourself recalling an event from long ago. You think to yourself, “Oh, I forgot he said that.” or “I didn’t realize that’s what happened.”  You have just been hypnotized. You have spontaneously regressed to a stored or forgotten memory.

3. You are sitting in an overheated classroom. The teacher is a distant and indistinct droning sound. You glance hopefully at the clock. It’s 8:30 AM.  You sigh and and gaze at a point between your desk and the board at the front of the room several light years away.  You daydream. You drift in and out of fantasies. You imagine several things you would rather be doing…in vivid living detail. You think of your bed and remember a dream you had that you had all but forgotten. You create a more satisfying ending for the dream and you can hardly wait to make it real.  An hour later you are suddenly back in the classroom. You shake the cobwebs from your head and look at the clock.  It’s 8:35 AM.

These are similar experiences and they are familiar to all of us. These are all experiences of spontaneously entering a hypnotic trance.  When you are in that dreamy drowsy state the wall between the conscious and unconscious mind comes down. A skilled hypnotist can reprogram your thoughts and behaviors during that time with carefully worded suggestions.  The right kind of suggestions will embed themselves in your unconscious mind and begin to work automatically for you when and where you need them.  Old patterns and habits can be instantly removed so that your unconscious self is no longer working against you.  With the right wording and conditions your inner mind can recall anything you have ever experienced in vivid detail.  It can create a vivid dream for the future and then find the steps to get you there so that you don’t even have to think about it, you don’t need to work or try, or struggle. You simply relax and breathe and your unconscious mind finds the steps to make it reality. You dream it into being.

This is the “magic” of hypnosis. In reality this is only the power of the unconscious mind released. You do release that power quite naturally from time to time even without intention.  You can choose to release that power in the direction of your conscious goals.  You can choose the goal and I will choose just the right words, phrases, and suggestions to get you there and you won’t even need to worry your head about how you do it.

So the real limiting factor on whether hypnosis works for you is not whether or not you are the right sort of person or the wrong sort.  It is not about being strong or weak minded.  It is more honestly about whether your hypnotherapist chooses the right words for you, in the right phrases, with the right tone of voice, at just the right time for your deep inner mind to absorb, store, and use those suggestions in the way best suited for your personal success.  I have been trained and certified in five different schools of hypnosis to use different techniques, different words, and different way of reaching your unconscious mind in just the right sort of way for you.

You see, I was not satisfied after my first hypnotherapy certification course was complete.  I practiced to gain more experience and I was dissatisfied to discover that I could not find solutions for every person in every situation. So I went back to school again and again and again. I learned enough words and techniques that I am now satisfied. I am satisfied that I understand how the mind learns and grows.  I am satisfied that I understand how psychology can be best applied for practical results. I am satisfied that we will find the best, the shortest, and the most lasting path to real results for YOU. Come and let’s see.

Finding Past Life Memories

Okay, I hear you!   You read the Past Life Regression post and now you want some do-it-yourself for that as well. Well, no worries, can do!

So, I”m going to start by telling you a bit about how to spot a past life memory.  My hypothesis is that we all have some of these memories we just don’t recognize them for what they are. I have not tested this hypothesis (which, of course is why its only a hypothesis) but maybe you can help me out here.  I’ll tell you some of the ‘markers’ of a past life memory and give you some examples from mine or my clients’ lives and then you can comment and tell us whether you’ve noticed any such memories in your life. To be fair, you have to comment whether you have or have not noticed any such “markers”. It’s still not scientific (no double blind, no placebo control, and no random cross-section) but it will give us an idea anyway.

1. Name Confusion – one of the easiest ‘signs’ that I know someone from a past life is when I meet them and want to call them by something other than their given name. Not when you cannot pronounce their name or even when you flat forget the name – but when you meet someone named Mark and you cannot quit calling him James. That happens to me all the time. Okay, that happens to everyone, you’re thinking? Well, yes. But from what I’ve seen most everyone in your life was someone in your lives before. Definitely the major players.

2. Food memories -That one is not enough fun, you say?  Ok, fair enough.  How about you have a craving for food you’ve never eaten?  I used to dream up recipes and try them out. When I got them perfected they would usually have flavors distinctive of a country or region. Sometimes they would have very unusual combinations for my culture.  Sometimes eating the foods would bring back memories.   Once I dreamed up a recipe for a meat pie. Once completed it had ground lamb, cilantro  nutmeg, golden raisins, something hard like water chestnuts chopped into small cubes, kalamata olives.  It was like a perfect dance – for each soft thing, a hard crunchy thing, for each tangy flavor, a sweet flavor, for each bold taste, a subtle taste. It was also distinctively Greek.  It led me to a life in a Greek city-state long before any recorded history.

Another time I tried repeatedly to make a dish that contained cold long noodles, like spaghetti combined with fresh salad like lettuce, carrots, and cucumber.  I could never get that one right.  I would also have periodic cravings for Vietnamese food – though when it started, I had never eaten Vietnamese in this life. Eventually, these separate experiences came together when I was served Bun (see pic below)


That meal led to memories of a life many thousands of years ago in the mountains of Vietnam.  Didn’t know Vietnam had mountains did you?  Well, I didn’t either but I remembered them.  I couldn’t find any sign of them on maps either until some Vietnamese restaurant owners told me that their cooks were Mountain people and spoke a dialect of Vietnamese that others did not understand. So, yes memories or dreams or visions or thoughts of things that don’t seem to fit logically are often from past lives. This was the case with both the mountains of Vietnam and the noodles themselves. Noodles just seem too technologically advanced for the time period. But no, I looked it up. The Vietnamese invented rice noodles more than 5,000 years ago, sure enough. No one really knows when exactly because it was before recorded history, just like the Greek one.

3. Place Memories – You visit a place for the first time and recognize it.  sometimes place memories can trigger more detailed memories of a life or an experience in that place.

4. Deja Vu – Usually brief segments of time that seem hauntingly familiar as if you lived that moment and heard/spoke those words before exactly as it is occurring now. The thing is patterns of behavior very easily get “ironed in” to the fabric of who you are. Confronted with a familiar situation we often fall into the same patterns of speech and behavior that we have used before. What we call karma is really just this tendency to repeat patterns.  Patterns make life easy because the remove the need for active thought, let the brain relax, and feel comforting in their familiarity.  Still, I make a practice of changing and breaking my patterns regularly just to make sure I don’t get stuck in a non-functional rut.  Anyway, the deja vu experience is  common enough to have a cross-cultural name because we are literally hard wired to repeat patterns and chances are what you remember in a deja vu moment is probably one of many identical moments repeated throughout time.

5. Love at first sight – Ok, I’m a little more cautious than romantic about what we call “love” at first sight.  But you know the drill. You lock eyes with someone and suddenly you are compulsively attracted to that person.  It’s nicest when both parties feel the same compulsion, but that’s a good bit more rare.  What has happened is that one or both parties have made a determination in a past life to seek out the other person. Now, the reason I’m cautious here is two fold. In the first place obsession is not love and does not guarantee love.  What it does is give love a chance to grow if you play your cards right. (Me, I study the rules of that game constantly so that I can play the cards right when the chance arises.)

In the second place, there are many reasons a person or persons would determine to seek out someone again in a future life. Sometimes we target a person because we loved them in the past and we want to love them again. Sometimes two people make that agreement together to seek each other out again. Sometimes we may seek a person out to repay a debt of gratitude. Other times a person may set up these dynamics to make amends for some pain or injustice they have caused the other person.  This is the beauty of the human heart. We all really want to set things right.  However, if you reflect on the deja vu phenomenon you’ll begin to see how very hard it can be to overcome the tendency to repeat patterns especially under highly emotional situations. We may therefore end up repeating our patterns and hurting that same person in much the same way again. Perhaps even again and again over many lifetimes.  This is a dangerous and all too real possibility.

Now, let me say this to to all you romantics. When both parties experience the “love at first sight” obsession, chances are good that they were successfully bonded in a happy love relationship in the past and have determined to find one another again.  This can be a great thing! Keep in mind though if it has not happened to you that it is also a rare thing.  This is the “soul mate” phenomenon and these are the happily married people who keep telling the rest of us that there is “someone out there for everyone”. I don’t mean to be a downer, but just a glance at human history will tell you that this is not true and you will likely have to do the work in this lifetime of gaining the skills for building a happy love relationship by working on your personal issues and hang-ups.  Its not as romantic as the “love at first sight” or the “soul mate” ideas, but it is much more reliable and it will also help you stay happy in love  if you are one of the lucky few who built those bonds in a past life.

6. Weird aversions to food,textures, or experiences – most of the time foods that we hate or that make us queasy are related to a negative experience in a past life. (Unless, of course you can trace it to an event in the present life.) For example, I grew up with an unaccountable aversion to rubbery foods such as cooked egg whites, chunks of fat, or anything with a very chewy texture.  Eventually I stumbled across a memory of a life in which I was kidnapped and starving.  My captors would only throw me the undesirable parts of the meal to eat.  I was given eyeballs, cartilage, skin and such.  I actually recall holding a big piece of sheep skin with a full inch of firm fat on the back and gnawing and raking the thing with my teeth then sucking hard to get any nutritional juices out.  It was a behavior that kept me alive for most of two years but it was a horrifying experience that I never want to repeat.

7. Odd obsessions – like the aversions in #6, we may become obsessed with behaviors, routines, objects and experiences that are linked to happy, safe or comforting feelings.  Its like the adult who suffers a traumatic even and resorts to the comforting given him as an infant by wrapping his arms around himself and rocking his own body, or even thumb sucking.  We all know instinctively what that means in a movie – the near catatonic self-rocker has just have his emotional stuffing ripped out.  Because most of us were held and rocked by parents to soothe us as infants, these behaviors continue to bring us comfort as adults.  Its the behaviors that cannot be traced to childhood that may have their roots in a more distant past.

8. Phobias – Now, fear is an important emotion for maintaining one’s safety. When it goes beyond normal fear and is interfering with our normal lives, preventing us from doing things that are not dangerous and would make life nicer, then the same basic reaction is called a phobia. We can sometimes trace the cause of a phobia to an extreme experience in this life. When we cannot, it may have come from another life. Entrenched phobias are usually linked to one’s cause of death in a past existence.  One client with a severe phobia of dogs once spontaneously regressed to an ancient life on the plains of Africa in which he was attacked and killed by a pack of wild dogs  before he was even old enough to have kids. The acute fear of that experience remained fixed in her life ever since. You can probably understand why many phobias are focused on things like snakes, spiders, heights, deep water and other things that are potentially deadly. Other phobias form only by association.  For example, most people have some degree of fear of the dark, yet darkness is soothing, peaceful and relaxing.  It is certainly not lethal.  Still, it is not hard to imagine how many people might fixate on the darkness when they die of an unidentifiable cause in the dark.

It is interesting to me that since all my Shamanic training in which I was able to process and resolve the issues of many past lives, I no longer have fears. Well, I have the normal fear reactions but I do not have any unreasonable phobias. I find that if I wake up during the night I go wondering about in complete darkness and never turn on a light. I am not afraid. When alone in the house and I hear strange sounds I get up to investigate but I do not imagine wild fantasy dangers lurking about. This is a wonderfully liberating thing! Lacking irrational fears means courage is much easier to muster so I am able to take advantage of new productive trends while others my age may hold fast to doing things the way they have always done them. It is also easier to muster the social courage to say what must be said to help loved ones and to live without regrets. I highly recommend it!

9. Words in other languages – not so commonly noticed but occasionally you may find that you grasp at words only to lay claim to a word from a different language. For me the words tend to be French.  Its easy to discount this experience but for me it became apparent.  I speak several languages but French is not one of them. On the other hand I recall at least 3-4 lives in France out of the 10 that I remember in any detail.

10. Talents and skills you were not taught – Think Wolfgang A. Mozart and other child prodigies and its fairly hard to deny the possibility of past life skills carrying over into the next life or two. I have some less obvious skills like that. You probably do too if you think about it. What I find nicest about this phenomenon is the sure knowledge that skills and talents are things that you can take with you. So it is worth the investment of time and training.  I am devoted to educating myself and others because its effects are so positive and lasting.

11. Smell and taste memories – Ever recall a taste or smell so vividly that you can’t be sure its not real…except that its not.

12. Strong feelings about strangers whether positive or negative – This is the same basic phenomenon as the “love at first sight” only sometimes we do learn from our mistakes and set up “red flags” for ourselves regarding people who have hurt us in other lives. For me, many past life memories have been triggered by meeting people who trigger strong feelings.  I am constantly meeting people I recall or who recall me. Life is a beautiful thing!

13 Asthma, eczema, rashes that don’t resolve – These sort of “unknown cause” illnesses or conditions are often linked to past lives.  A person who died from exposure to caustic fumes over an extended period of time might have asthma as a memory of the effects on the lungs and eczema as a result of the skin irritation. That is one example I see a lot.  A lot of the therapies I offer can resolve these issues in childhood by breaking the bonds of regret with the past.

14. Moles and birthmarks – There are many accounts of people being born with birthmarks where scars or wounds were in a past existence. Moles are, likewise, indicators of stab or gunshot wounds. I have a number of friends and loved ones who all bear moles in similar places as a result of events suffered during the French revolution.

15. Infant and toddler behavior oddities – We see this all the time but because they usually resolve as the child grows older we tend to forget or discount our observations.  The thing is as babies and children we are often closer to the experiences of our past existence than we are to those of the present time. I”m happy to recommend a few excellent books on this subject if you need some help handling a child’s memories in a positive way.

16. Femininity and m masculinity – Odd as it may sound at first, men who have noticeably feminine behaviors or gestures or women who have masculine ones are very likely people who have spent many lives as their opposite gender. This is also true of women or girls who are very “feminine” in their natural behaviors or men who are extremely manly. They have probably spent many if not all their lives in that same gender. I remember my one and only life as a man I was mercilessly teased and beaten for being too “girly” my whole childhood.  I fell in love and married quite early to prove I wasn’t gay. I wasn’t gay.  But I did take on the challenge of maleness to have a closer emotional relationship with the man who was my husband in several lives.  Switching genders is a good way to build understanding for the opposite sex. Still, few people actually take on that challenge.  If you are one of them it is likely for a very important reason.

So that’s the short list.  You can see why I’ve formed the hypothesis I mentioned. There is hardly any aspect of our physical or emotional lives that have not been formed over many lifetimes. If your own “memory signs” are becoming more apparent or causing you some emotional “itching” or restlessness its probably a good time to draw out that memory.  It will likely resolve many issues in your present life.

Welcome to Clear Mirror Healing!


Clear Mirror Healing is a new improved re-start of a similar business I had in New Orleans before The Katrina changed the face of the place. Now i’m back in my “hometown” of Newport News, VA catching up with dear friends from high school and starting life afresh. Clear Mirror Healing is where I do my best for YOU!  I offer hypnotherapy for simple easy mainstream things like weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety and stress relief, study skills, public speaking…any kind of demon that has been limiting you from being the amazing person you really are!

But it doesn’t stop there! I will go with you into past lives if you dare. I will help you engage your mighty, mighty mind and the unlimited power of your unconscious self to destroy cancer, break the chains of the past and free you in ways you can hardly imagine.  It’s not Me, I am your loyal guide and interpreter, I am merely the keeper of the keys to your amazing mind. I will unlock your doors, guide you along the way and hold your hand when you want it.  YOU my friend, are the magic worker here. You are more than you ever dreamed, more than you dared to believe and so much more than “they” would ever tell you.  I just happen to see through the facades and artificial limitations to the kingdom of YOU as you really are.

Hypnotherapy is only the beginning. There is so much more.  I will have to tell you about all the therapies I offer and all the tools in my kit for opening the doors to the real beautiful and powerful kingdom of YOU, my friend. There is so much to tell. Let’s go one step at a time, shall we?